Choreography premiered recently at Sundance Film Festival. Its next screening is Cinema du Reel Film Festival in Paris, followed by several more US and International festivals. Choreography also screened in a gallery as part of Concordia's Open Studios. PBS America ReFramed broadcast Downeast in February 2014 and it is currently screening on Link TV. We've received several emails from passengers on Air Canada that Downeast is screening on the airline. Such a wonderful surprise!
We attended True/False February 27-March 2, 2014, it is a festival devoted to the craft of documentary storytelling in Colubmia, MO. David Redmon was quoted in a newspaper, "If there's two festivals that you can attend every year make sure True False is one of them." We'll soon upload our short movie on True/False that we filmed while in Columbia.
David's first book on video ethnogoraphy and documentary filmmaking will be released this summer by Routledge Press. He is currently in the middle of his second book on documentary filmmaking and the public sphere.