Girl Model has a whole new look just in time for the 3/24 Broadcast on POV! Take a look at the new website for ways to get involved, host a screening party, engage with our partners and bring the film to your community. Check the screenings page for the screenings near you!
OMG – we’re on Tumblr! Check out our spanking new animated GIF heavy tumblr blog: The quesitons we’re asking about girl models are taken directly from the experiences of Nadya & Madlen in the film: How is she? Do her parents know where she is? Does she trust the photographer? Did she get paid for that shoot?
Follow along! Share posts, ask questions, and learn from teenage girls by reading the comments and questions–we’re using the tag #askagirlmodel both on Tumblr and Twitter. On March 20, we’ll be hosting a tweet-up with our partners and models in the field, with more planned in the future. Stay tuned for the exact dates.
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